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ikmalTips : create a password protected folder on mac os leopard

If you ever wanted to hide your porn super important files from public viewing or unnecessary attention. You can always set a password on your files. Meaning, password will be requested every time those files need to be accessed.
This tricks applies to Leopard OSX, I don't know about other OS (Operating System). There are few password encryption software for Windows here.
Moving on.

Create a Password Protected Folder on Leopard
Step 1 - Create A New Folder

  • Create a new folder (example : on your desktop) will became an image soon (dmg)
Create A New ImageStep 2 - Encrypt Your Files
  • Choose your files, and encrypt them with 128-bit (256-bit will take longer time to access, though safer) - in my case my file was named as Locked Files. Choose the option read/write to easily added files later or choose read if your locked files already contains some files
Encrypt Files on LeopardStep 3 - Set Your Password
  • Create a password for your files, be sure to remember them

Create Your Password
Step 4 - Resize
  • Resize your files to desired amount

That's it. Your files now in DMG format. Opening it will require a certain password. Now you can have more privacy with your 'super important files'. Cool right.
If you have any question regarding the steps, please leave a comment below.

Thanks. Happy locking guys.


Ikmal Ezzani said...

You are funny.

Thanks for visiting though. :-)

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