Want to learn about blogging ? How about photo editing using photoshop or GIMP ? I will submit a few very useful link for us, bloggers. This featured websites have excellent tutorial for dummies. They are decent and well known to bloggers community. For some reason you linked into this post first rather than their sites this is the link :
Blogging sites :
- BloggerBuster - a great sites full of every tutorial possible for blogger`s user. Every tutorial will be given easy step by step guide.
- Hackosphere - a useful website for bloggers for its content. Tutorial for customizing bloggers layout. Sites have a nice layout and very experience blogger.
- Woork - sites with tutorial using ajax, CSS, html and many more for advance blogger. A very decent sites using only blogger`s domain. A pro blogger.
Photo Editing sites :
- PhotoshopLady - Easy tutorial for editing or adding effects using Adobe Photoshop. Plenty of tutorial and easy to follow write-up.
- Tutorialized - Sites contain tutorial for Adobe, AutoCAD, Maya, Flash, any 3D Imaging software. Great source.
This are only few of list available. There are plenty more useful sites could be found on the internet. But these are mostly for bloggers. Log on to internet and start surfing for more. You should know that internet have anything on everything.
That`s all. Thank you and happy surfing.
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