Everyday you create a great post content on your blog but failed to get notified by your readers and this lack of respond makes you want to quit blogging.
For any reason that you read this particular post up to this level, then you are proving me right. This post is written based on my new blogging experience.
Like newspaper, people often browse the pages by the headlines not by reading text content on every corner on the newspaper. Human eyes need to be distracted before it can focus properly. <- (I made this up. I don't know if it's true. :P). So you need to create a proper attention to your post before it can gain publicity, so to speak.
And I think there a several section of the post that can be made attractive. As listed below :
- Headlines
- even though it's the great place to gain SEO rank, you should include few non-relevant keywords to attract readers eyes.
- mine is dumb, don't use it, i only need it for sorting purposes.
- a great picture that is significance to your post is extremely a bonus point.
- you should be familiar with common used idiom; "a picture worth a thousand words". which will help you a lot since you are dealing with text-based content.
- using bold/underline/strikethrough/italic on proper section of your post content creates variety from another.
- statistics shows that human eyes can be easily get tired on reading the same style font after a period of time <- (I was making stuff up again. haha. but i really think so).
- highlight your text to create extra attention on certain interesting facts only. not all of it. want me to make up statistics again?
Wise people learn from mistake made by others, only fools learn from their own.- quote found on Myspace. haha.
That's all. Thank you and happy posting.
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