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ikmalTips : increase blog traffic using free services

I`m a blog newbie, and maybe you are too. Then you should find this post useful. The purpose of I started blogging purely because I like to talk and sharing but alongside, maybe, I could earn some money. You often read about this on every other blog. Most of this blogger can achieve some great rank. And mostly can gain up to 10,000 visitors daily.

I can only reach half the figure per month! Honestly, I`m not good at this. Instead of giving up, I search out all over the net and compile it to a single list on my blog post. Which I hope you find it useful. I guess maybe the desire to improve in me is too great to resist.

So here we go. I will not deceive you in any way. The list given are for informational use. But if you want to try out their service you can click on given link so I will be your referrer and gain point when you does. Help me to help you. Let`s get on with it.

This is the list. There are more unlisted. This are the top rated.

- introduces yourself to others by using your personal business card and gain point when you do. The accumulated point (ec point) can be used to buy Adspace on others EntreCard widget so your blog/sites can be view on their sites. You need to install their widget for this.

- each day you need to spend on average 20 min to view and review other site and your rank will climb up on your category and gain visual attention. When each of users need to do so, your page will also be reviewed and getting unique visitors each day. I gain 40+.

- this service is harder to use because the timer are faulty and hard to browse to pages. And mainly the sites that you will see is advertisement ads sites, money making stuff. Good if you are trying to introduce one (need to outrun other competitor). Need to navigate page by page to get surf credit.

- this service is identical to TrafficSwarm but better than TrafficSwarm because on the top of browser are buttons that easy to navigate to other website and respond well to timer. But the sites seems new and still need to fixing. I need to sign in a few times during session. I'll sure they will perform better after a while.

- provide free video content. And acknowledge by everyone. Could be done by posting a great video with your link attach to it. This will invite visitors for more.

There are more of services like this you could get on the internet. But you are required to install their widget. Sucks. But if you still insist on using their services. Check out these.
  • BlogRush
  • Spottt - same as entrecard, higher ranking but having problem at this time
  • Blog Directory Service - topic will be post soon
Or maybe if you have more to share, do leave a comment and I`ll be gladly reply to you.

That`s all. Thank you and happy publicizing.

More topics on ikmalTips.


mkaw77 said...

wawa.. u received half of 10,000 traffic/mth? Very intersting.. i'm using a few free traffic site but still cannot get as what u achieved..

Ikmal Ezzani said...

yes indeed, actually you need to be really hardworking. submit your sites to search engine. there are lots of free engine submission site.
ill post one today.

and always remember, content is king. i have featured a post which title "removing virusmwrdy.js" which creates a lot of traffic. then to keep your traffic. try to attract visitors from that attractive post to other post on your site.

btw, of all the free services above, i really recommend using LinkReferral. use the service actively and gain rank of top 5 and you be sure to get 40-60 visitors/day.


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