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ikmalTips : make most swipe out of your safari

SafariMy post earlier mentioned about new beta Firefox are able to make use of trackpad without any 3rd-party application. By that, I mean MultiClutch. That particular post also mentioned that the same effect can also be applied on Safari browser.
So you can now use :

  • 3-finger swipe (up/down) for moving top/bottom of page
  • rotate gesture to move between tabs
You can do so by first downloading the MultiClutch application here. And then use the following command. Add a new one by using (+) function.

MultiClutch in Action

MultiClutch is donationware, free to use; donate if you like. And, it's not limit for Safari use only! It can be use on any as long as the application already have a keyboard shortcut assign to it. 
That's it. Have fun browsing.


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